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NetBeans Architecture Answers for Bootstrap module

WARNING: answering questions version 1.12 rather than the current 1.29.

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
FileSystemsImportedOfficial .../overview-summary.html

ModulesImportedOfficial .../overview-summary.html


JaveleonImportedFriend .../netbeans/show_bug.cgi?id=195074

When present as a Java agent on the boot classpath, Javeleon is invoked reflectively to enhance module reloading.


To support classification of exceptions and also annotation of exceptions with logging levels and additional localized messages, logged exceptions and their initCause's are searched for implementation of Callable<LogRecord[]>. If an exception implements this interface, the call() method is called and returned LogRecords then scanned for messages, levels, etc.

Group of interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
nbexecExportedStable ...//


The lock file ${netbeans.user}/lock will have file permissions changed to go-rwx for safety on Unix systems (requires presence of chmod)

nbexec.exeExportedStable ...//


Bootstrap code creates a class loader to load the rest of the core from. The bootstrap code is loaded from the Java application class loader, using the classpath lib/*.jar.


After creating bootstrap classpath another low level set of JARs is loaded with a new classloader from core/*.jar directories in each clusters.


${netbeans.user}/var/imported is used to identify whether a userdir has already been updated or it still needs an update. Can be created by installer if no update check should be performed, no other code is supposed to realy on this file.


${netbeans.user}/var/license_accepted and ${nbcluster.dir}/var/license_accepted are used to identify whether user accepted license.

.lastModifiedExportedUnder Development

To speedup testing that module caches are up-to-date, the system recognizes special file inside of each cluster. If .lastModified file is present in a cluster, then the content of the cluster is not scanned any more deeply and instead the time stamp of the file is used as last modification for the whole content of the cluster.

This API is primarily intended for use by installer and RPM packagers and also autoupdate, that are supposed to create such file, as soon as they finish modifications to any cluster.

This file is ignored when accessing user directory, as it is expected that user can modify it, while the user usually does not have access permision or need to modify the shared installation clusters.


If the .lastModified file is not present in cluster directory, it is recomputed on startup and stored in $userdir/var/cache/lastModified/$clustername. This file and its content is meant just for private consumption of the IDE.


Installer can speed NetBeans IDE start by generating caches when the installation is over. Such caches are stored in the installation, in first cluster listed by netbeans.dirs (or in a location specified by netbeans.fallback.cache property, if available) and have the same layout as user caches (including here in described caches like all-resources.dat, as well as caches provided by other subsystems like netigso-bundles) in the user directory - e.g. they are under var/cache.

If a file var/cache/ is found, its content is unzipped into user directory (if it is empty).


To speedup class loading during startup, the system keeps a cache of resources needed during startup in var/cache/all-resources.dat. If the cache is valid, it is loaded during startup and class and resource loading requests are redirected there.

The file is binary and shouldn't be modified by other code than org.netbeans.Archive. The file content uses magic header and versioning to allow evolution of its (private) format. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Rather than seeking on disk and using access OS call uselessly to find that some file is not present, the layout of files under the clusters is recorded in var/cache/

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Modules register their functionality into the system using layers. To avoid parsing and merging of content of these files on each start, the system creates a cached, binary representation of the layers structure in var/cache/all-layers.dat and var/cache/all-local-layers.dat.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Lists relative paths of clusters (those defined by netbeans.home and netbeans.dirs) for which the cache has been created. This is an important file in the shared cache as it helps to ensure the set of clusters has not changed since the cache has been generated.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Additional information about modules (like deprecation message, etc.) is stored in var/cache/all-installer.dat to avoid the need to parse it out on each start.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Graph of dependencies between modules, sorted startup order, state of modules is stored in var/cache/all-manifests.dat to avoid the need to compute this information on every start.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Pre-parsed content of config/Modules/*.xml is cached in var/cache/all-modules.dat.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


Cache of various attributes of packages (vendor, spec & impl version, etc.) is stored in var/cache/package-attrs.dat. This file is often almost empty to signal such information is not provided by any module.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.


File var/cache/localeVariants contains information about used branding and L10N files for each module. Avoids checking for locale/xyz_cs_CZ.jar files when (for example) only English L10N are present.

The file is binary and its format is private. The location is however well known for purposes of installer.

One can control creation of the all-resources.dat file in the user directory via org.netbeans.core.update.all.resources property.

Group of property interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

LogRecords sent to registered logger may be marked as those intended for user. This can be done by logging with level which has intValue() == 1973. Localized message of such log records is then shown in a special dialog. This behaviour is supported for backward compatibility, but in fact it is deprecated. The preferred way is to directly show dialog using DialogDisplayer.


Default JDK installation directory to use, unless --jdkhome is given. [Unix only]


Backup variable to check for JDK installation directory. [Unix only]

NB_JDK_HOMEImportedUnder Development

Overriding JDK installation directory specifically for NetBeans. [Unix only]


The registry key Software\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit is the default JDK installation directory to use, unless --jdkhome is given. [Windows only]


The registry key Software\\NetBeans IDE\Dev Default user directory, unless --userdir is given. The name of this registry key is brandable, as is its default value. [Windows only]

SplashOnByDefaultExportedUnder Development

can be true or false, allows some applications build on top of the platform to disable splash by default

Group of systemproperty interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
netbeans.exception.alert.min.levelExportedUnder Development

Minimum integer level that triggers the blinking icon signaling an exceptional state. By default 900 - e.g. WARNING. Development

Minimum integer level that triggers the dialog with exception. By default 900 with assertions on and 1001 without them.


Main Java class for bootstrap code to start (currently org.netbeans.core.startup.Main). Might be used by alternate launchers.

netbeans.homeExportedUnder Development

NetBeans installation directory (where the launcher is).

netbeans.user.dirExportedUnder Development

If this property is provided, it is used as the current working directory regardless of the value of user.dir.


Additional secondary NetBeans installation directories as proposed in installation structure design document.


Alternative location of NetBeans fallback cache generated during installation (see installation cache for description of the files layout). If the property is set to none, then the fallback cache check is completely disabled.


Classpath to prepend to core loader (normally just lib/*.jar). Possibly useful for testing infrastructure etc.

netbeans.systemclassloader.patchesExportedUnder Development

By setting this system property to a classpath (list of directories and JARs separated by the normal path separator) you may append to the system class loader.

netbeans.patches.cnbExportedUnder Development

By setting a system property to "netbeans.patches." + module.getCodeNameBase() one can influence installed modules without changing the build. Format is


There is a special support for importing the settings from previous versions. As only the product itself knows about what to import and where this cannot be done directly in the launcher, but we need at a well defined moment (user directory is missing and no modules have been initialized yet) to call the product to ask the user and do the actual copy of userdir.

After all core/*.jar files has been initialized and the user dir has not yet been updated (see bellow) the launcher checks for value of netbeans.importclass system property and if provided it loads that class and invokes its main method (in AWT thread) and if no exception is thrown it marks the userdir as already upgraded.


Before first usage of IDE user must accept license. If user does not install IDE by installer (user must accept license during installation) user must accept license during IDE first start.

Launcher calls method showLicensePanel of netbeans.acceptlicenseclass if license was not yet accepted by user and it is necessary to show license in dialog to user.


Controls whether to log messages to the console, or just to the log file.


Setting this property to less than zero value enables logging of what is going on in the CLIHandler - e.g. in the code that locks user directory and handles processing of command line options. Use -J-Dorg.netbeans.CLIHandler=-1 to send the logging to System.err.

org.netbeans.CLIHandler.serverExportedUnder Development

One can disable the CLI server (listening on commands from subsequent invocations) by setting property org.netbeans.CLIHandler.server to false.


Contains class name of a class that can serve as provider of the writable layer of the system file system. The class must be a subclass of org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem and have public default constructor. Morevoer the class denoted by the property must be on the classpath. Development

By default NetBeans prevent certain operations like System.exit. One can disable this behavior by providing Since version 2.47 such property also allows the SecurityManager to be replaced by another.

sun.awt.datatransfer.timeoutExportedUnder Development

Specifies the amount of milliseconds the call to getContent() method of ExClipboard waits to synchronize with system clipboard. Defaults to 1000ms.

netbeans.ignore.dupmoduleExportedUnder Development

By default ModuleManager throws DuplicateException when an attempt is made to load an already loaded module. One can change this behavior by providing -Dnetbeans.ignore.dupmodule=true since version 2.63. When -Dnetbeans.ignore.dupmodule=true is provided, attempt of duplicate loading is logged instead of throwing DuplicateException.


For backward compatibility, the NetBeans startup code performs bytecode manipulation such as making marked methods public or injecting code that was deprecated and removed from the NetBeans codebase. For debugging, or simply in order to disable preprocessing, patching may be disabled. Note that older modules, which were not recompiled against the released version's sources may become broken, if bytecode patching is disabled.

Group of logger interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

This logger logs at WARNING level about accessing resources from the default package.

Group of cli interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
--jdkhomeExportedUnder Development

JDK (or perhaps JRE) installation directory.

--clustersExportedUnder Development

The list of clusters to intialize the system from. Is used to set the value of netbeans.dirs.

--userdirExportedUnder Development

User directory, if not the default.

-JWHATEVERExportedUnder Development

Pass option WHATEVER to the JVM.

--cpExportedUnder Development

-cp:a and -cp:p append and prepend to the startup classpath; deprecated except for special purposes such as installing a custom look & feel.

--uiExportedUnder Development

Specify a look & feel. The same as --laf. To make human life easier simple translation was added to convert L&F ID to L&F class name for known L&Fs.
  • Metal is translated to javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
  • GTK is translated to
  • Nimbus is translated to
  • Windows is translated to
  • Aqua is translated to apple.laf.AquaLookAndFeel

--lafExportedUnder Development

Specify a look & feel. The same as --ui.

--bootclassExportedUnder Development

Alternative main class used to initialize the system.


Specify base fontsize. Deprecated in favor of using themes which is much more general. But this is a convenient quick settings, handy for projection screens and so on.

--localeExportedUnder Development

Specify system locale.

--brandingExportedUnder Development

Specify application branding.


Do not write a log file.


Do not show the splash screen.


Do not show any GUI at all.

--reloadExportedUnder Development

Reload a test module.

Group of lookup interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Instances of org.netbeans.CLIHandler are found using services lookup in the "dynamic classpath loader" (i.e. startup classpath plus ${netbeans.home}/core/*.jar).


Instances of org.netbeans.ModuleFactory are found using services lookup in the "dynamic classpath loader" (i.e. startup classpath plus ${netbeans.home}/core/*.jar). ModuleFactory can be used to create alternative module implementations.


The communication between core.jar and rest of the platform code in org-netbeans-core.jar is handled thru handled thru CoreBridge calls.


Additional callbacks from core.jar after the module system is started are done using RunLevel interface. Currently it starts window system.


There is a communication bridge between the default logging handler registered by core/startup and the UI handler in core that presents certain log records in the UI.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability