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This document lists changes made to the Classfile API.

Index of APIs

Incompatible changes by date

Fuller descriptions of all changes can be found below (follow links).

Not all deprecations are listed here, assuming that the deprecated APIs continue to essentially work. For a full deprecation list, please consult the Javadoc.

All changes by date

Changes by version

These API specification versions may be used to indicate that a module requires a certain API feature in order to function. For example, if you see here a feature you need which is labelled 1.20, your manifest should contain in its main attributes the line:

OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.netbeans.modules.classfile/1 > 1.20

Changes by affected class








Details of all changes by API and date


Support for Java 11 classfile enhancements.

Sep 26 '18; API spec. version: 1.56; affected top-level classes: CPConstantDynamicInfo; made by: arusinha
Java 11 added a new constant pool entry type to support the constantDynamic instruction.

Introduced ModulePackages, ModuleMainClass, ModuleTarget attributes

Jan 5 '17; API spec. version: 1.53; affected top-level classes: ClassFile ModuleTarget; made by: tzezula
Introduced ModulePackages, ModuleMainClass, ModuleTarget attributes according to recent JDK 9 JLS

Updated ClassFile Module attribute to recent JDK 9 JLS

Jan 5 '17; API spec. version: 1.52; affected top-level classes: Access Module CPModuleInfo CPPackageInfo; made by: tzezula
Updated ClassFile to recent JDK 9 JLS.

Added isModule method into ClassFile

Oct 4 '16; API spec. version: 1.51; affected top-level classes: ClassFile Access; made by: tzezula
Added isModule method into a ClassFile to test that a classfile represents a module descriptor.

Support for Java 9 Module attribute

Oct 4 '16; API spec. version: 1.51; affected top-level classes: ClassFile Module; made by: tzezula
Java 9 added a Module attribute for module-info.class describing the module.

Support for Java 7 classfile enhancements.

Feb 13 '13; API spec. version: 1.40; affected top-level classes: ClassFile; made by: jlahoda; issues: #225528
Java 7 added a several new constant pool entry types to support the invokeDynamic instruction. These need to be modeled by the library.

Support for Java 6 classfile enhancements.

Dec 6 '05; API spec. version: 1.18; affected top-level classes: ClassFile; made by: tball; issues: #69729
Java 6 added a new classfile verifier, which uses the new code attribute, StackMapTable. This adds support for that attribute.

Support for Java 5 classfile enhancements.

Nov 9 '04; API spec. version: 1.14; affected top-level classes: ClassFile; made by: tball; issues: #41922
Java 5 added several attributes to the JVM classfile format to support generics, annotations, varargs, and enums. The classfile module was enhanced to add access to all of these new attributes.