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NewJavaFileNameLocationStepOperator - Class in org.netbeans.jellytools
Handle "Name And Location" panel of the New File wizard.
NewJavaFileNameLocationStepOperator() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.jellytools.NewJavaFileNameLocationStepOperator
Waits for wizard with New title.
NewJavaFileNameLocationStepOperator(String) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.jellytools.NewJavaFileNameLocationStepOperator
Waits for wizard with given title.
NewJavaFileWizardOperator - Class in org.netbeans.jellytools
Java-specific extension to NewFileWizardOperator.
NewJavaFileWizardOperator() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.jellytools.NewJavaFileWizardOperator
NewJavaProjectNameLocationStepOperator - Class in org.netbeans.jellytools
Handle "Name And Location" panel of the New Project wizard.
NewJavaProjectNameLocationStepOperator() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.jellytools.NewJavaProjectNameLocationStepOperator
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