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NetBeans Architecture Answers for NB JUnit module

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
org.netbeans.insaneImportedUnder Development

The only module that this one is using is the insane library to find leaked objects after unsuccessful assertGC calls.

Group of systemproperty interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
nbjunit.diff.impl.CmdLineExportedUnder Development

used only when nbjunit.diff.impl is set to org.netbeans.junit.diff.NativeDiff class. This property contain command line, which is called from NativeDiff class to perform comparision. This property use also '%TESTFILE%' and '%PASSFILE%' variables understood by NbJUnit, which are replaced with real file names when running tests.

nbjunit.workdirExportedUnder Development

path to a directory, which is used as a root for tests' working directories (for details see JavaDoc for NbTestCase.getWorkDir()).


This property tries to influence the order of NbTestCase methods so it is more predicatable (see Order of elements for description of the problem). The acceptable values of the property are:
  • "natural" - use the methods as provided by JDK (e.g. quite random on JDK7)
  • "a-z" - sort the tests in ascending alphabetical order
  • "z-a" - sort the tests in descending alphabetical order
  • "shuffle" - randomize the order of the tests. If a test fails in this mode a seed is attached to the failure message, use it in the seed mode
  • seed mode "12234390434" - one can specify any long value as a seed to shuffle the methods. Use this to reproduce random failures
The default order is natural right now, but this may change in future to mitigate the randomness caused by JDK7.

branding.tokenExportedUnder Development

NbModuleSuite can now be influenced by system property branding.token. If it is provided (by Ant harness for example), it is used to call NbBundle.setBranding.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability