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NetBeans Architecture Answers for JPDA Debugger API module

WARNING: answering questions version 1.25 rather than the current 1.29.

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?




The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.35 is required.



The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.22 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.28 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.0 is required.

WeakListener.setAccessibleImportedUnder Development

The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.3 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 8.0 is required.

Group of lookup interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?


Group of property interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

When set to Boolean.TRUE, this option is causing step out during smart-stepping instead of step into. Thus it much faster skips code that is not selected for debugging, but it may also skip code that should be debugged if it's called from a source that has debugging disabled. This is advantageous when the speed is important (e.g. in J2ME). This property can be set through a map of properties that is passed to JPDADebugger.attach (), like J2ME_DEBUGGER property.

Group of systemproperty interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

This system property is causing the breakpoints view to show also hidden breakpoints.


Logging level for informational messages about breakpoint submission and hits. They use Level.FINE and Level.FINER levels and are printed into the NetBeans message log.


When this system property is set, informational messages about start of JPDA debugger are printed into standard output (console).


This system property sets the debug mode of the debuggee virtual machine via VirtualMachine.setDebugTraceMode() method. See the javadoc of that method for the description and possible values.


Logging level for informational messages about received JDI events. They use Level.FINE level and are printed into the NetBeans message log.


When this system property is set, informational messages about the smart stepping process are printed into standard output (console).


When this system property is set, methods invocation in debuggee is disabled.


Logging level for messages about method invocation. They use Level.FINE level and are printed into the NetBeans message log.


Logging level for messages about variables evaluation. They use Level.FINE level and are printed into the NetBeans message log.


When this system property is set, informational messages about the tasks that refresh debugger views are printed into standard output (console). The value of that property should contain 'w' for watches view, 'l' for local variables view, 'c' for call stack view, 's' for classes view and 't' for threads view.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability