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NetBeans Architecture Answers for MultiView Windows module

WARNING: answering questions version 1.23 rather than the current 1.29.

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Provides support for creation of editors composed from multiple (independent) elements. One can either specify the elements directly or read them from a declarative registration for a particular mime type.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.13 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.11 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 6.2 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 6.2 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.0 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 7.23 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 6.39 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.3 is required.

WeakListener.setAccessibleImportedUnder Development

The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.3 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 8.0 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 6.52 is required.

Group of preferences interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
multiview.toolbarVisibleExportedUnder Development

The visibility of toolbar is controlled by a preference shared with editor module. The multiview implementation listens and uses following property:

    MimeLookup.getLookup(MimePath.EMPTY).lookup(Preferences.class).getBoolean("toolbarVisible", true);    

to find out whether all toolbars in all multiviews should be visible or not. Also, since 1.25, the toolbar is hidden completely. There is a tab switching action in multi view component popup menu to compensate this.

Group of branding interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
MultiViewElement.Spliting.EnabledExportedUnder Development

By default a MultiViewElement allows the containing TopComponent to split it. Some systems may however find this not of any use. Then they should brand the MultiViewElement.Spliting.Enabled to false. NetBeans IDE by default does allow spliting.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability