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org.openide.awt 7.72.1

Interface CheckForUpdatesProvider

    • Method Detail

      • openCheckForUpdatesWizard

        boolean openCheckForUpdatesWizard(boolean reload)
        Opens a wizard for installation of updates if found some available. Note: Call it from AWT queue only.
        reload - if true then reload the content from all enabled Update Centers
        true if all updates were successfully installed, false otherwise.
      • notifyAvailableUpdates

        boolean notifyAvailableUpdates(boolean reload)
        Runs a check for updates. If some updates found, shows a notification in the status line. Note: It could be a time-consuming task, it should not be called from an event queue.
        reload - if true then reload the content from all enabled Update Centers
        true if updates are available and users will be notified in the status line, false if no updates found.
      • getContentDescription

        String getContentDescription()
        A description of content of enable Update Centers, assuming returns something like 7.1 patch1. The description might contains HTML tags e.g. HTML Links.
        free-form description of content or null