Provides Swing UI components that render provided node hierarchy in different ways (as a tree, list, icons, set of properties and many other).
Question (arch-usecases): Describe the main use cases of the new API. Who will use it under what circumstances? What kind of code would typically need to be written to use the module? Answer:For general overview of the concepts related to nodes and explorers, together with code samples, see chapter 7, of NetBeans Platform for Beginners by Jason Wexbridge and Walter Nyland.
Question (arch-time): What are the time estimates of the work? Answer:XXX no answer for arch-time
Question (arch-quality): How will the quality of your code be tested and how are future regressions going to be prevented? Answer:XXX no answer for arch-quality
Question (arch-where): Where one can find sources for your module? Answer:
The sources for the module are in the NetBeans Mercurial repositories.
The default answer to this question is:
These modules are required in project.xml:
Question (deploy-nbm):
Can you deploy an NBM via the Update Center?
The whole openide.jar and core.jar can be updated as nbm file.
Question (deploy-shared):
Do you need to be installed in the shared location only, or in the user directory only,
or can your module be installed anywhere?
As part of openide.jar it needs to be in shared location.
Question (deploy-packages):
Are packages of your module made inaccessible by not declaring them
Both packages (org.openide.explorer
and org.openide.explorer.view
) are
part of API, so there is no need to make them unaccessible.
Question (deploy-dependencies):
What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one,
in addition to or instead of the normal module dependency declaration
(e.g. tokens to require)?
XXX no answer for deploy-dependencies
XXX no answer for compat-deprecation
Question (resources-layer):
Does your module provide own layer? Does it create any files or
folders in it? What it is trying to communicate by that and with which
Question (resources-read):
Does your module read any resources from layers? For what purpose?
Question (resources-mask):
Does your module mask/hide/override any resources provided by other modules in
their layers?
Question (resources-preferences):
Does your module uses preferences via Preferences API? Does your module use NbPreferences or
or regular JDK Preferences ? Does it read, write or both ?
Does it share preferences with other modules ? If so, then why ?
XXX no answer for resources-preferences
or any similar technology to find any components to communicate with? Which ones?
Yes, it does. There is searched for java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard.class
(to obtain clipboard for cut/cope/paste operations),
for org.openide.actions.ActionManager
(to process an action in separate
thread) and for registry of all top components.
A presence these object are not forced, system can work w/o them.
Question (lookup-register):
Do you register anything into lookup for other code to find?
Question (lookup-remove):
Do you remove entries of other modules from lookup?
) property?
On a similar note, is there something interesting that you
pass to java.util.logging.Logger
? Or do you observe
what others log?
Checks by Drag & Drop support for views. True is regard as default
(no matter what jdk's version). False value disallows Drag & Drop in
all views.
Nodes returing Boolean.TRUE from getValue("customDelete") are assumed to
provide their own confirmation dialog for delete action and explorer will not show
default one when they are deleted.
Nodes returing Boolean.TRUE from getValue("slowRename") are expected
to have potentially slow implemenation of setName
. Explorer views
rather process in-place rename in background for such nodes.
Question (exec-component):
Is execution of your code influenced by any (string) property
of any of your components?
Setting this property to integer number controls prefetching of nodes
when VisualizerChildren are constructed (prefetchCount = 0 disables
The prefetching should eliminate "bounce" effect (see #144718) in lazy
implementation which is caused by the fact that there exist keys without
nodes. In such case "dummy" nodes are created and remove event is fired.
This undesirable effect is eliminated by prefetching selected number of
nodes so "dummy" nodes are detected and removed in advance before any
visualization occurs.
Question (exec-ant-tasks):
Do you define or register any ant tasks that other can use?
XXX no answer for exec-ant-tasks
Question (exec-classloader): Does your code create its own class loader(s)? Answer: No. Question (exec-reflection): Does your code use Java Reflection to execute other code? Answer: Yes,TreeView
calls via reflection to openide's Window System API
and to Actions API to allow use Explorer API as standalone library.
Question (exec-privateaccess):
Are you aware of any other parts of the system calling some of
your methods by reflection?
Question (exec-process):
Do you execute an external process from your module? How do you ensure
that the result is the same on different platforms? Do you parse output?
Do you depend on result code?
Question (exec-introspection):
Does your module use any kind of runtime type information (instanceof
work with java.lang.Class
, etc.)?
Also TreeTableView
offers sort by the values of explored properties if type
of value implements Comparable
interface, it's based on semi-private API
Question (exec-threading):
What threading models, if any, does your module adhere to? How the
project behaves with respect to threading?
XXX no answer for exec-threading
Question (security-policy): Does your functionality require modifications to the standard policy file? Answer:XXX no answer for security-policy
Question (security-grant): Does your code grant additional rights to some other code? Answer:XXX no answer for security-grant
The module servers as a bridge between nodes and the clipboard. It takes what
Nodes provide
Node.clipboardCut) and
inserts them into clipboard (as part of Copy/Cut action) and also retrive the
content of clipboard and pases it to
during paste action.
XXX no answer for perf-spi