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NetBeans Architecture Answers for Base Utilities API module

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 8.14 is required.

WeakListener.setAccessibleExportedUnder Development .../org/openide/util/WeakListeners.html

used to call the remove method using reflection

Group of systemproperty interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

used on few places


Specifies the time in ms unused RequestProcessor processor threads remain around, until they get GCed. By default 60s. Primarily used from tests.

Group of interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
TranslateNamesExportedOfficial .../org/openide/util/BaseUtilities.html

Utilities.translate reads META-INF/netbeans/translate.names files from JARs

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability