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NetBeans Architecture Answers for File Templates module

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.25 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.0 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 1.40 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.1 is required.

WeakListener.setAccessibleImportedUnder Development

The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 9.20 is required.


The module is needed for compilation. The module is used during runtime. Specification version 8.26 is required.


Uses reflection to access JavaTemplates from module in order to create Java-like package chooser. If the module is not available, the wizard falls back to classical target chooser.

Group of lookup interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
org.openide.loaders.CreateFromTemplateHandlerExportedDeprecated .../loaders/CreateFromTemplateHandler.html

DataSystem API

org.netbeans.api.templates.CreateFromTemplateHandlerExportedOfficial .../templates/CreateFromTemplateHandler.html

that can be registered as a services in a lookup and it is reponsible for handling the whole copy of the template file(s) to the destination folder.

org.openide.loaders.CreateFromTemplateAttributesExportedOfficial .../CreateFromTemplateAttributes.html

that can be registered as a services in a lookup and it is reponsible for providing "hints" - e.g. map mapping strings to various objects.

Group of property interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

a property that can be associated to templates that either should return real instance of ScriptEngine interface or a String name of the engine that is then used to search for it in the javax.script.ScriptEngineManager. Usually the freemarker engine is the one that is supported by the NetBeans IDE - if your module wants to use it then include a token dependency OpenIDE-Module-Needs: javax.script.ScriptEngine.freemarker in your manifest file (also accessible through project customizer GUI) to indicate to the system that you need it.


contains the name of the DataObject that is being created


contains the name the user


contains the name and extension of the file that is being created


contains String representing the current day like 23. 3. 2007


contains String the current time like 17:18:30


contains java.util.Date representing current data and time like


contains String the file encoding of the template instance


A special ScriptEngine type is required to perform indentation on the produced sources. The ScriptEngine must provide a name "org.netbeans.api.templates.IndentEngine". The only attribute property passed to the ScriptContext is mimeType of the text being formatted.


A parameter for template creation, possibly specified as a template file layer attribute that controls how the extension for the new file is computed. See CreateDescriptor javadoc for the details.


A parameter for template creation, possibly specified as a template file layer attribute that controls formatting of the produced text. See CreateDescriptor javadoc for the details.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability