Mostly an SPI for creating project types centered around the Ant build tool.
Permits Ant-based project types to be registered and supplies various support
implementations to help satisfy the contract of Project
various optional interfaces.
Use Cases
Mostly an SPI for use by project type providers to create the project type.
Also includes a small API/SPI for other projects to find what Ant build steps
are necessary to create a certain build product, for use in inter-project
Ant project support faq:
How to use support for storing project properties?
I'm creating a customizer (properties dialog) for my project type. I wan't to use the support
for simple data types. What do I need to do?
You basicaly need to do two things. First create the representation of the project properties which
can be used in the GUI. Second at some time convert the objects back to the ANT properties form and
store them into the project.
Creating the object representation.
- Create new instance of StoreGroup for each group of properties you want to store later
e.g. project and prvate. Sometimes it might be useful to create temporary source group
which will only be used for creating the models without being used for storing. E.g.
for properties which need special handling.
- Call the factory methods e.g. createBooleanButtonModel, createStringDocument, etc. which
will create the swing models for you.
- Use the models in your Swing controls by calling setModel() or setDocument()
Storing the models back to the proprties of project.
- Get the EditableProperties you want to store the model in e.g. private or project
- Call the store method on given SourceGroup with the EditableProperties as parameter
- Manually store models which need some special handling.
Exported Interfaces
This table lists all of the module exported APIs
defined stability classifications. It is generated
based on answers to questions about the architecture
of the module.
Read them all...
Group of java interfaces
Interface Name | In/Out | Stability | Specified in What Document? |
AntProjectUI | Exported | Official |
Mostly an SPI for creating project types centered around the Ant build tool.
Permits Ant-based project types to be registered and supplies various support
implementations to help satisfy the contract of Project and
various optional interfaces.
Group of systemproperty interfaces
Interface Name | In/Out | Stability | Specified in What Document? | | Exported | Private |
The "" property switches off the startup check for
buggy Xalan. See issue #70130 for more information.
Group of preferences interfaces
Interface Name | In/Out | Stability | Specified in What Document? |
knownValidProjectXmlCRC32s | Exported | Private |
A LRU list of CRC-32s of project.xml files known to validate successfully
is kept to avoid the need to validate files just to load projects, especially during startup.
Implementation Details
Where are the sources for the module?
The sources for the module are in the
Apache Git repositories
or in the GitHub repositories.
What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one, in addition to or instead of a plain module dependency?
Read more about the implementation in the answers to
architecture questions.