int percentFromWindowTop
int percentFromWindowTop
int changeCaseMode
boolean indentOnly
PropertyChangeListener pcl
PropertyChangeListener pcl
boolean reindent
String macroName
JCheckBoxMenuItem item
boolean matchNext
int updateMask
int atomicDepth
boolean modifiable
boolean inited
boolean modified
Element defaultRootElem
SyntaxSupport syntaxSupport
boolean undoMergeReset
Class<T> deprecatedKitClass
String mimeType
org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument.AtomicCompoundEdit atomicEdits
Acceptor identifierAcceptor
Acceptor whitespaceAcceptor
org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib2.document.LineRootElement lineRootElement
UndoableEdit lastModifyUndoEdit
Annotations annotations
boolean composedText
AtomicLockEvent atomicLockEventInstance
org.netbeans.editor.FixLineSyntaxState fixLineSyntaxState
Object[] atomicLockListenerList
int postModificationDepth
DocumentListener postModificationDocumentListener
ListenerList<T extends EventListener> postModificationDocumentListenerList
ListenerList<T extends EventListener> updateDocumentListenerList
Position lastPositionEditedByTyping
int shiftWidth
int tabSize
CharSequence text
UndoableEdit removeUpdateLineUndo
Collection<E> undoEditWrappers
DocumentFilter.FilterBypass filterBypass
int runExclusiveDepth
Preferences prefs
PreferenceChangeListener prefsListener
PreferenceChangeListener weakPrefsListener
PropertyChangeSupport pcs
org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib2.document.ContentEdit modifyUndoEdit
org.netbeans.editor.FixLineSyntaxState fixLineSyntaxState
UndoableEdit previous
boolean inUndo
boolean inRedo
boolean hasBeenDone2
boolean alive2
boolean inProgress2
Hashtable<K,V> changeLookup2
int lfCount
AttributeSet attribs
org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit.SearchableKit searchableKit
boolean keyBindingsUpdaterInited
boolean homeKeyColumnOne
Action[] actions
boolean nextChar
String text
String[] actionNames
Color backColor
Color foreColor
Font font
JTextComponent component
AttributeSet attribs
Lookup.Result<T> fcsLookupResult
LookupListener fcsTracker
org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar.Listener listener
boolean enabled
List<E> visibleMarks
int mousePoint
. Set from mouse-moved, mouse-entered
handlers, so that painting will paint this fold in bold. -1, if mouse is not
in the sidebar region. The value is used to compute highlighted portions of the
folding outline.boolean mousePointConsumed
has been already used to make a PaintInfo active.
The flag is tested by #traverseForward(Fold, BaseDocument, BaseTextUI, int, int, int, NavigableMap)
and #traverseBackwards(Fold, BaseDocument, BaseTextUI, int, int, int, NavigableMap)
after children
of the current fold are processed and cleared if the #mousePoint field
falls to the fold area -
fields of PaintInfo are set accordingly.
It's also used to compute (current) mouseBoundary, so mouse movement does not trigger
refreshes eagerlyRectangle mouseBoundary
int lowestAboveMouse
#mousePoint field
. Undefined if mousePoint is null.
These two variables are initialized at each level of folds, and help to compute #mouseBoundary field
the case the mousePointer is OUTSIDE all children (or outside all folds).int topmostBelowMouse
. Undefined if mousePoint is nullboolean alreadyPresent
Preferences prefs
PreferenceChangeListener prefsListener
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Font font
int fontMode
Color foreColor
Color backColor
Color underlineColor
Color waveUnderlineColor
Color strikeThroughColor
Color topBorderLineColor
Color rightBorderLineColor
Color bottomBorderLineColor
Color leftBorderLineColor
String cacheLock
Action delegate
PropertyChangeListener pcl
EditorUI editorUI
Annotations annos
Image gutterButton
Color backgroundColor
Color foreColor
Font font
boolean init
int glyphGutterWidth
boolean showLineNumbers
int highestLineNumber
boolean drawOverLineNumbers
int cachedCountOfAnnos
int cachedCountOfAnnosForLine
PropertyChangeListener annoTypesListener
PropertyChangeListener editorUIListener
org.netbeans.editor.GlyphGutter.GutterMouseListener gutterMouseListener
org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib.ColoringMap coloringMap
PropertyChangeListener coloringMapListener
Preferences prefs
PreferenceChangeListener prefsListener
Rectangle toRepaint
Object toRepaintLock
RequestProcessor.Task repaintTask
MarkBlockChain guardedBlockChain
boolean breakGuarded
boolean atomicAsUser
StyleContext styles
String normalStyleName
Vector<E> strokes
StringBuffer text
ResourceBundle bundle
JTextArea collisionLabel
JTextField keySequenceInputField
JLabel keySequenceLabel
ResourceBundle bundle
Vector<E> bindings
Class<T> kitClass
JButton addButton
JLabel bindingLabel
JList<E> bindingList
JPanel bindingPanel
JScrollPane bindingScrollPane
JTextField macroField
JLabel macroLabel
JPanel macroPanel
JTextField nameField
JLabel nameLabel
JButton removeButton
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
char[] testChars
int testOffset
int testLen
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException
int listenerSize
boolean noExtEditorUIClass
ExtKit.ToggleCommentAction delegateAction
String lineCommentString
int lineCommentStringLen
ExtKit.ToggleCommentAction delegateAction
boolean dontFire
KeyEventBlocker blocker
ResourceBundle bundle
JComboBox<E> gotoCombo
JLabel gotoLabel
float top
float left
float bottom
float right