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NetBeans Architecture Answers for Editor Module module

WARNING: answering questions version 1.25 rather than the current 1.29.

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
EditorModuleAPIExportedUnder Development

Editor defines APIs and SPIs both by
  • Providing java classes in public packages for further reuse.
    Most of the classes were created spontaneously (several years ago) without fulfilling of the rules imposed on APIs and SPIs at the present time.
    There is an ongoing work to revisit the existing classes and create stable APIs and SPIs (and possibly extract functionality into a submodule where appropriate). However this is a long-term task spanning several promotions.
  • Being sensitive to content of certain directories in xml layer.

CodeFoldingAPIImportedOfficial .../architecture-summary.html


Set of various editor-related utility classes and methods.

JAXPImportedStandard .../java/technologies/jaxp-introduction.html

Standard XML APIs (DOM, SAX) - distributed with the IDE (in ../editor.lib/ext/xml-apis*.jar), already part of JDK 1.4 and newer).

NbKeymap.contextImportedFriend .../src/org/netbeans/core/

The context field is accessed by reflection from MultiKeymap.

Group of property interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Document property containing mime-type of the particular document e.g. "text/x-java".
It allows to search for particular editor settings based on the mime-type such as tooltip annotations providers etc.
Maintained by org.openide.text package.


Document property containing either DataObject or FileObject from which the Document content was loaded.
Maintained by org.openide.text package.


Document property containing line separator that was used when the document content was loaded from a by an


Document property that determines the number of characters in the longest line determined during the document loading from a reader by the editor kit.


The component should only be displayed with the error stripe side bar. The other side bars will not be displayed.

Group of systemproperty interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

System property to debug execution of the editor's warmup task (e.g. time intervals that each warmup section takes etc.).


Obsolete now, we will remove those when time allows.

Boolean system property to set whether the search bar will close on hitting Enter key.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability