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org.netbeans.api.templates 1.10.1

File Templates

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File Templates 
Package Description
Registration of templates and creation of new files from them.

API allows to create new files based on templates. Scripting engines can be specified for processing the template, or custom Handlers may be registered to process certain templates.

A template can use places substituable with parameter values; certain well-known parameters are predefined, if the caller does not provide its custom values.

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Use Cases

Use boilerplates

An existing file can be used as a boilerplate for creation of a new file. The boiler plate can contain necessary skeleton, comments, content. As the boilerplate resides on config filesystem, it is also customizable by the user and the user can eventually develop custom templates.

In previous NetBeans versions, templating system was built into .

Custom template handlers

Often many people require ability to create a "clever" template - e.g. write piece of simple text and at the time of its processing do some advanced changes to it using either scripting or templating languages.

This traditionally used to be a bit complicated task (hacking into DataObject implementation), however since version 6.1 there are interface in DataSystem API and finally that can be registered as a services in a lookup and it is reponsible for handling the whole copy of the template file(s) to the destination folder.

Custom attributes for processing

Runtime or project-related values may be supplied by that can be registered as a services in a lookup and it is reponsible for providing "hints" - e.g. map mapping strings to various objects. and these interfaces allow anyone to extend the behaviour during creation of new files.

The CreateFromTemplateAttribute implementation knows which template is being used, where the outcome should be placed, so it can derive appropriate values for both the template and the target location.

Using Scripting and Templating Languages

There is a built in support for scripting languages in the standard NetBeans IDE. If a template is annotated with a property that can be associated to templates that either should return real instance of ScriptEngine interface or a String name of the engine that is then used to search for it in the javax.script.ScriptEngineManager. Usually the freemarker engine is the one that is supported by the NetBeans IDE - if your module wants to use it then include a token dependency OpenIDE-Module-Needs: javax.script.ScriptEngine.freemarker in your manifest file (also accessible through project customizer GUI) to indicate to the system that you need it. then the scripting engine is then used to process the template and generate the output file. While running the engine one can rely on few predefined properties:

  • contains the name of the DataObject that is being created
  • contains the name the user
  • contains the name and extension of the file that is being created
  • contains String representing the current day like 23. 3. 2007
  • contains String the current time like 17:18:30
  • contains java.util.Date representing current data and time like
  • contains String the file encoding of the template instance

Other properties can indeed be provided by CreateFromTemplateAttributess. After processing, the output is also sent to appropriate org.openide.text.IndentEngine associated with the mime type of the template, for formating.

Smart Templating Quick How-To
First of all create a file in your module layer located somewhere under the Templates/ folder. Make it a template by adding <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>. Associate this template with a scripting language, for example by <attr name="javax.script.ScriptEngine" stringvalue="freemarker"/>. Now make sure that the scripting language integration is also available by requesting a token in standard format, for freemarker just put OpenIDE-Module-Needs: javax.script.ScriptEngine.freemarker in your manifest. This tells the NetBeans module system that a module providing integration with such scripting engine has to be enabled. Now you can use regular script language tags inside of your template file. When you write your instantiate method in your wizard, you can create a Map<String,Object> and fill it with parameters collected from your wizard and then pass it to createFromTemplate(targetFolder, targetName, mapWithParameters) . This will invoke the scripting language and make the mapWithParameters values available to it. Beyond this there is few standard parameters predefined including name, user, date, time, etc. and also additional parameters are collected from all registered CreateFromTemplateAttributesProviders.

Create sets of files

A CreateFromTemplateHandler should be able to create multiple files, one of them important so it will open after user initiates the creation action. The template of set of related files may be represented by a folder with a handler attached, and the operation deploys multiple files in the target directory.

Use HTML and JavaScript

There is a way to create a portable wizard (e.g. one that can be executed inside of NetBeans as well as in a browser). The most portable UI these days is written in HTML. To register such HTML based wizard with your file template, use @TemplateRegistration annotation and include page() attribute referencing your own HTML page:

public class X {
        page = "x.html",
        scriptEngine = "freemarker",
        displayName = "JS Wizard",
        folder = "Other",
        content = "x.fmk"
    public static String jsWizard() {
        return "yourInitializationCode();";

the return value of the annotated method (named jsWizard) should be of type String and its content should be snippet of JavaScript code to execute inside of your specified HTML page (e.g. x.html) to create an instance of KnockoutJS model to drive the wizard. Here is a sample code for the model:

function yourInitializationCode() {
    var ok = ko.observable(false);
    var msg = ko.observable('');
    var current = ko.observable('Init');
    var data = {
        'errorCode': ko.computed(function() {
            if ('Init' == current()) return 0;
            if (!ok()) return 1;
            if (msg()) return 0;
            return 2;
        'current': current,
        'ok': ok,
        'msg' : msg
    return data;

The model defines wizard composed of few panels (defined in following HTML file) and a verification function (registered as errorCode) to check if everything is OK. In addition to that it defines proprietary text value msg which is going to be filled by the wizard and cannot be empty. Each page of the wizard is registered using a custom Knockout.js binding called step. Here is an HTML page defining three steps:

<section data-bind="step: { 'id' : 'init', text : 'Initial Page'}" >
        Write your UI in portable HTML and display it in NetBeans 
        or on web! Read more at <a href="">our wiki</a>...

<section data-bind="step: 'info'" >
        Use <a href="">knockout.js</a> bindings 
        to isolate your view model from the actual look of your HTML
        page. Bind your view to model written in Java or JavaScript.
    <h3>Is everything OK?</h3>
    <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: ok"/>
    <h3>How do you feel?</h3>
    <input type='text' data-bind="textInput: msg"/>

<section data-bind="step: { 'id' : 'summary' }" >
        You are feeling <span data-bind="text: msg"></span>!
        Let's proceed to create a file which will express your 
        feeling by using <a href="">Freemarker</a>
        templating engine and values filled in this wizard.

The Next/Finish buttons are controlled by the errorCode property. If it is non-zero, there is an error and these buttons are disabled. Also once can use that inside of the HTML page to display user related errors:

<div data-bind="visible: errorCode() == 1">
    <span style="color: red">Please check you are OK!</span>
<div data-bind="visible: errorCode() == 2">
    <span style="color: red">Tell us how do you feel!</span>

The L10N of the wizard is done on the level of HTML pages. The whole page gets translated into different language with appropriate suffix like x_cs.html and it is then selected instead of the default one, when user runs in such locale.

When the wizard is successfully finished, all the values specified in the model (except system ones like current, errorCode, etc.) are transfered to the templating engine, so they can influence the content of created files. Here is a sample x.fmt content which reuses the msg value provided by the wizard:

I am Freemarker.
I feel ${wizard.msg}.    

When such file is instantiated, the ${wizard.msg} is replaced by the actual value taken from the wizard.

Use HTML and Java

Some people would rather use Java instead of Java script while getting the portability of the HTML. There is a simple way to rewrite the HTML and JavaScript sample to Java (and possibly run it in a plugin-less browser via bck2brwsr VM). Keep the same HTML, Freemarker, etc. files - just instead of encoding the logic in JavaScript use Java:

@Model(className = "JavaWizard", properties = {
    @Property(name = "current", type = String.class),
    @Property(name = "ok", type = boolean.class),
    @Property(name = "msg", type = String.class)
public class JavaWizardCntrl {
    @ComputedProperty static int errorCode(
        String current, boolean ok, String msg
    ) {
        if ("Init".equals(current)) return 0;
        if (!ok) return 1;
        if (msg == null || msg.isEmpty()) return 2;
        return 0;
        page = "x.html",
        scriptEngine = "freemarker",
        displayName = "HTML/Java Wizard",
        folder = "Java",
        content = "x.fmk"
    public static JavaWizard javaWizardFactory() {
        return new JavaWizard("Init", false, "");

The return value of the annotated method is now an HTML/Java model class which can naturally represent the essential Knockout.js objects in Java.

Selecting target location with HTML UI

It is very common that the HTML file creation wizards (either controled by JavaScript or by Java) need to allow user to specify target location of their file. To simplify such common task and to ensure its UI is consistent with the rest of the environment, one can just include following code snippet in the HTML file and leave its actual rendering on the system:

<section data-bind="step: 'targetChooser'" >

Such section will then be replaced by a panel which provides appropriate UI for choosing target directory as well as name for the newly created file.

In case one prefers more Java-like chooser, it is possible to use 'targetChooser:java' as name of the step. Then all Java source groups in target project will be listed and presented in a typical Java package view selection mode. Once can use different suffix than java to list other types of source groups. This feature requires presence of module, otherwise the target chooser falls back to classical one.

UI for Maven Archetypes

There is a way to create a portable wizard (with logic either in JavaScript or in Java) to instantiate a Maven archetype. This way one merges the project templating functionality of Maven with flexible and tailored UI provided by HTML and JS/Java.

The definition of the UI is the same as in previous cases, just as a target chooser one can also use dedicated Maven one - just use 'targetChooser:archetype' to get a panel with options to select directory, archetypeId, groupId and version of the project to create. This feature requires presence of org.netbeans.api.maven module, otherwise the target chooser falls back to classical one.

The archetype registration is then a classical one. Here is an example of the UI being in x.html and the archetype described in x.archetype one:

        page = "x.html",
        displayName = "HTML/Java Wizard",
        folder = "Java",
        content = "x.archetype"
    public static MavenWizard mavenArchetype() {
        return new MavenWizard(/*...*/);

The x.archetype file describes the archetype to use and has following properties-like syntax:

archetypeBuild=false # or true to build the project once created
archetypeOpen=src/main/java/.*/,src/main/resources/default.config # regexp to 
# find files that should be opened once the project is created

The values archetypeArtifactId, archetypeGroupId and archetypeVersion are by default taken from the archetype definition file, but the wizard model can define these properties as well and in such case they would take precedence. These values define what Maven archetype will be used to initialized the project structure.

Any properties defined by the model (in the above example the MavenWizard) are going to be passed into Maven archetype execution and can thus influence the the behavior of the archetype - this is the way to write an HTML UI for Maven archetype.

Exported Interfaces

This table lists all of the module exported APIs with defined stability classifications. It is generated based on answers to questions about the architecture of the module. Read them all...
Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Group of lookup interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
org.openide.loaders.CreateFromTemplateHandlerExportedDeprecated .../loaders/CreateFromTemplateHandler.html

DataSystem API

org.netbeans.api.templates.CreateFromTemplateHandlerExportedOfficial .../templates/CreateFromTemplateHandler.html

that can be registered as a services in a lookup and it is reponsible for handling the whole copy of the template file(s) to the destination folder.

org.openide.loaders.CreateFromTemplateAttributesExportedOfficial .../CreateFromTemplateAttributes.html

that can be registered as a services in a lookup and it is reponsible for providing "hints" - e.g. map mapping strings to various objects.

Group of property interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

a property that can be associated to templates that either should return real instance of ScriptEngine interface or a String name of the engine that is then used to search for it in the javax.script.ScriptEngineManager. Usually the freemarker engine is the one that is supported by the NetBeans IDE - if your module wants to use it then include a token dependency OpenIDE-Module-Needs: javax.script.ScriptEngine.freemarker in your manifest file (also accessible through project customizer GUI) to indicate to the system that you need it.


contains the name of the DataObject that is being created


contains the name the user


contains the name and extension of the file that is being created


contains String representing the current day like 23. 3. 2007


contains String the current time like 17:18:30


contains java.util.Date representing current data and time like


contains String the file encoding of the template instance


A special ScriptEngine type is required to perform indentation on the produced sources. The ScriptEngine must provide a name "org.netbeans.api.templates.IndentEngine". The only attribute property passed to the ScriptContext is mimeType of the text being formatted.


A parameter for template creation, possibly specified as a template file layer attribute that controls how the extension for the new file is computed. See CreateDescriptor javadoc for the details.


A parameter for template creation, possibly specified as a template file layer attribute that controls formatting of the produced text. See CreateDescriptor javadoc for the details.

Implementation Details

Where are the sources for the module?

The sources for the module are in the NetBeans Mercurial repositories.

What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one, in addition to or instead of a plain module dependency?

No specific deploy dependencies.

Read more about the implementation in the answers to architecture questions.

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org.netbeans.api.templates 1.10.1

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