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org.netbeans.modules.parsing.indexing 9.10.1 1

Parsing API Indexing

See: Description

Parsing API Indexing 
Package Description

IndexingAPI Indexing API allows all clients to request (re)indexing of a certain index, or certain root of project sources. Indexing SPIs allow module owners to implement indexer for a particular feature or language.

This API was historically part of Parsing API, but was separated into its own module.

What is New (see all changes)?

Use Cases

  1. Indexing API client may request that some or all indexes should be rebuilt for a certain or all project source roots, or certain files. The indexing infrastructure eventually rebuilds the indexes. The API client may choose to wait for the indexing to complete.
  2. Module implementor may plug into the indexing system by declaring a CustomIndexer, BinaryIndexer, or EmbeddingIndexer. The implementation is called at appropriate time to generate or refresh index information for portion of project sources.

Exported Interfaces

This table lists all of the module exported APIs with defined stability classifications. It is generated based on answers to questions about the architecture of the module. Read them all...
Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Group of logger interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
org.netbeans.ui.indexingExportedUnder Development

Since version 1.47 the RepositorUpdater cooperates with UI Gestures Collector by sending following messages to the org.netbeans.ui.indexing logger:
  • INDEXING_STARTED - message about a start of indexing (up to date check). Arguments:
    • {0}: Long - the time from the last indexing
  • INDEXING_FINISHED - message about an end of indexing (up to date check). Arguments:
    • {0}: Long - the time of indexing
    • For each indexer following 3 records are logged
      • {1}: String - name of indexer
      • {2}: Integer - indexer invocation count
      • {3}: Integer - indexing time spent in given indexer

Implementation Details

Where are the sources for the module?

The sources for the module are in the NetBeans Mercurial repositories.

What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one, in addition to or instead of a plain module dependency?

XXX no answer for deploy-dependencies

Read more about the implementation in the answers to architecture questions.

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org.netbeans.modules.parsing.indexing 9.10.1 1

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