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NetBeans Architecture Answers for J2EE DD API module

WARNING: answering questions version 1.24 rather than the current 1.29.

Interfaces table

Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

The J2EE DD API is based on a bunch of interfaces based on the deployment descriptor xml structure. The names of interfaces correspond to the names of deployment descriptor elements in the J2EE DD files like ejb-jar.xml, web.xml or applicaiton.xml. The DD API interfaces are organized in a hierarchic tree structure and are accassible through the root (Application), (WebApp) or (EjbJar) interfaces. The implementation of DD API interfaces is hidden for clients. It is based on schema2beans infrastructure and is the DD version - specific. (there is always requirement to support at least two successive versions of DD specification). The implementation is located in non-public packages of j2ee/ddapi module. It is expected that interfaces will not be implemented by the client.
The root of the deployment descriptor is accessible through the DDProvider class.

FileSystemsImportedOfficial .../overview-summary.html

NetBeans Open APIs / FileSystems

LoadersImportedOfficial .../overview-summary.html

NetBeans Open APIs / Loaders


Schema2beans infrastructure

XercesImportedThird party

for obtaining an xml parser able to validate against the XML schema (Crimson does not).
Used in DDProvider.

Group of dtd interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?
web-app_2_2.dtdImportedStandard ...//

DTD for web.xml in Servlet API 2.2

web-app_2_3.dtdImportedStandard .../technetwork/jsc/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd

DTD for web.xml in Servlet API 2.3

web-app_2_4.xsdImportedStandard .../jsc/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd

Schema for web.xml in Servlet API 2.4

appplication_1_3.dtdImportedStandard .../jsc/dtd/application-client_1_3.dtd

DTD for application.xml in J2EE 1.3

application_1_4.xsdImportedStandard .../jsc/xml/ns/j2ee/application_1_4.xsd

Schema for application.xml in J2EE 1.4

ejb-jar_1_1.dtdImportedStandard ...//

DTD for ejb-jar.xml in EJB 1.1


DTD for ejb-jar.xml in EJB 2.0

ejb-jar_2_1.xsdImportedStandard .../jsc/xml/ns/j2ee/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd

Schema for ejb-jar.xml in EJB 2.1

j2ee_1_4.xsdImportedStandard .../technetwork/jsc/xml/ns/j2ee/j2ee_1_4.xsd

Schema for deployment descriptors in J2EE 1.4


Schema for wev services client 1.1.


Schema for JSP 2.0.

General Information

Project and platform dependencies


Compatibility with environment

Access to resources

Lookup of components

Execution Environment

Format of files and protocols

Performance and Scalability