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This document lists changes made to the Java SE Projects API.

Index of APIs

Incompatible changes by date

Fuller descriptions of all changes can be found below (follow links).

Not all deprecations are listed here, assuming that the deprecated APIs continue to essentially work. For a full deprecation list, please consult the Javadoc.

All changes by date

Changes by version

These API specification versions may be used to indicate that a module requires a certain API feature in order to function. For example, if you see here a feature you need which is labelled 1.20, your manifest should contain in its main attributes the line:

OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: > 1.20

Changes by affected class

Details of all changes by API and date

Java SE Projects API

Added a method to create default module properties

Oct 4 '16; API spec. version: 1.85; affected top-level classes: J2SEProjectBuilder; made by: tzezula
Added a method into the J2SEProjectBuilder to create default module properties for J2SEProject.

Added SPI to allow J2SE Project extensions to supply additional build properties

Sep 24 '13; API spec. version: 1.71; affected top-level classes: J2SEBuildPropertiesProvider; made by: tzezula
Added SPI to allow J2SE Project extensions to supply additional build properties.

Added SPI to allow J2SE Project extensions to provide allowed runtime java platforms

Sep 24 '13; API spec. version: 1.70; affected top-level classes: J2SERuntimePlatformProvider; made by: tzezula
Added J2SERuntimePlatformProvider SPI to allow J2SE Project extensions to provide allowed runtime java platforms to J2SE Project customizer.

Added API to allow J2SE Project extension to get and set active project platform

May 2 '13; API spec. version: 1.63; affected top-level classes: J2SEProjectPlatform; made by: tzezula; issues: #229085
Added a new friend API to allow J2SE Project extension to obtain and set active project platform.

Mar 21 '13; API spec. version: 1.60; affected top-level classes: J2SECategoryExtensionProvider; made by: psomol; issues: #218422
J2SECategoryExtensionProvider so far restricted the possibility to extend panels in Project Properties dialog to Run and Package panels only. Now it is possible to extend also Application panel.

Feb 25 '13; API spec. version: 1.58; made by: tzezula; issues: #226433
The J2SEProject calls all the instances of the GeneratedFilesInterceptor registered in the project Lookup when a a build script file has been updated or created.

Enable correct handling of properties in Project Property dialog of an extension of JSE Project

Aug 17 '11; API spec. version: 1.46; affected top-level classes: J2SECustomPropertySaver; made by: psomol; issues: #200691
Added interface J2SECustomPropertySaver with method save() to enable correct saving of properties added by JSE Project extending modules. If a JSE Project extending module adds/modifies panels in Project Property panels, then a mechanism is needed to ensure that all user-modified properties are correctly stored in and when OK pressed.

Enable extending existing JSE Project category panels in Project Properties dialog

Aug 17 '11; API spec. version: 1.46; affected top-level classes: J2SECategoryExtensionProvider; made by: psomol; issues: #200704
Replace the existing J2SERunConfigProvider interface by J2SECategoryExtensionProvider. The old interface was hardwired to enable extension of Run panel only with one extension panel only. The new interface provides this mechanism for any category and allows multiple extension panels per category. The new functionality is needed for JavaFX 2.0 support module, but is not limited to it.

Added class for accessing PropertyEvaluator for given JSE Project

Jan 4 '07; API spec. version: 1.10; affected top-level classes: J2SEPropertyEvaluator; made by: mkubec; issues: #89457
Added class J2SEPropertyEvaluator with method evaluator() for accessing PropertyEvaluator for given JSE Project. PropertyEvaluator resolves property values for properties defined in and