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This document lists changes made to the Jump to API .

Index of APIs

Incompatible changes by date

Fuller descriptions of all changes can be found below (follow links).

Not all deprecations are listed here, assuming that the deprecated APIs continue to essentially work. For a full deprecation list, please consult the Javadoc.

All changes by date

Changes by version

These API specification versions may be used to indicate that a module requires a certain API feature in order to function. For example, if you see here a feature you need which is labelled 1.20, your manifest should contain in its main attributes the line:

OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.netbeans.modules.jumpto > 1.20

Changes by affected class









Details of all changes by API and date

Jump to

Opening the module to public

Feb 29 '20; API spec. version: 1.63; made by: jtulach
Opening the module to everyone.

Added NameMatcher.NONE and NameMatcher.ALL

Feb 29 '16; API spec. version: 1.53; affected top-level classes: NameMatcher; made by: tzezula
Added NameMatcher.NONE and NameMatcher.ALL which matches no and all items.

Added AsyncDescriptor which allows descriptor to be fully calculated on background

May 18 '15; API spec. version: 1.49; affected top-level classes: AsyncDescriptor DescriptorChangeListener DescriptorChangeEvent; made by: tzezula
Added AsyncDescriptor which allows descriptor to be fully calculated on background. The AsyncDescriptor allows intformation to be computed on demand just for visible items.

Added method getSimpleName to SymbolDescriptor

Apr 29 '15; API spec. version: 1.48; affected top-level classes: SymbolDescriptor; made by: tzezula
Added method getSimpleName to SymbolDescriptor returning the raw symbol name without parameter names or types.

Added FileDescriptor.getFileDisplayPath method to return display path of the file.

Dec 12 '12; API spec. version: 1.33; affected top-level classes: FileDescriptor; made by: tzezula; issues: #223668
Added FileDescriptor.getFileDisplayPath method to return a display path of the file. The default implementation just delegates to FileUtil.getFileDisplayName but it can be overriden by more effective implementation when possible.

Added FileProvider.Context.getLineNumber method to return the preferred line

Aug 27 '12; API spec. version: 1.30; affected top-level classes: FileProvider; made by: tzezula; issues: #217050
Added FileProvider.Context.getLineNumber method to return the preferred line on which the document should be opened. The FileProviders which are using custom FileDescription should use this method to open the selected file on preferred line. The FileProviders which are using FileObjects are handled automatically.

Added method setHighlightText to TypeProvider.Result to allow TypeProvider to set text to highlight.

May 20 '12; API spec. version: 1.38; affected top-level classes: TypeProvider; made by: tzezula
By default the highlight text matches the text to search and TypeProvider has no need to do anything. But when the TypeProvider changes the text to search and uses a part of it just as a restriction it has to specify the new search text. For example Java TypeProvider splits the following text to search "java.lang.Str" to restriction for package "java.lang" and a new search text "Str". In order to let the infrastructure correctly highlight found elements the Java TypeProvider needs to call Result.setHighlightText.

Added method setHighlightText to SymbolProvider.Result to allow SymbolProvider to set text to highlight.

May 17 '12; API spec. version: 1.37; affected top-level classes: SymbolProvider; made by: tzezula; issues: #220300
By default the highlight text matches the text to search and SymbolProvider has no need to do anything. But when the SymbolProvider changes the text to search and uses a part of it just as a restriction it has to specify the new search text. For example Java SymbolProvider splits the following text to search "*Util.toF" to restriction regexp for type "*Util" and a new search text "toF". In order to let the infrastructure correctly highlight found elements the Java SymbolProvider needs to call Result.setHighlightText.

Added TypeDescriptor.getFileDisplayPath and SymbolDescriptor.getFileDisplayPath methods to return display path of the file.

May 9 '12; API spec. version: 1.36; affected top-level classes: TypeDescriptor SymbolDescriptor; made by: tzezula; issues: #225453
Added TypeDescriptor.getFileDisplayPath and SymbolDescriptor.getFileDisplayPath methods to return a display path of the file. The default implementation just delegates to FileUtil.getFileDisplayName but it can be overriden by more effective implementation when possible.

Overloading TypeBrowser.browse method to allow prefilling of initial type name

Jul 20 '11; API spec. version: 1.25; affected top-level classes: TypeBrowser; made by: jlahoda; issues: #200163
Adding an overload to TypeBrowser.browse method that allows to specify the initial type name that should appear in the Go to Type dialog.

Added a method converting Go To Type (File) wildcards into regexp

Oct 21 '10; API spec. version: 1.20; affected top-level classes: NameMatcherFactory; made by: tzezula; issues: #191145
Added a method converting Go To Type (File) wildcards into string accepted by java.util.regex.Pattern

Added support SPI to implement name filters

May 6 '10; API spec. version: 1.17; affected top-level classes: NameMatcherFactory NameMatcher; made by: tzezula; issues: #185168
Added support SPI to implement common filters used by Go To Type, Go To Symbol, Go To File.

Added SPI for Go to File dialog

Apr 7 '10; API spec. version: 1.15; affected top-level classes: FileProviderFactory FileProvider; made by: tzezula; issues: #182884
Added SPI to allow friend modules to participate on searching files in the Go To File dialog. The supplied FileProvider can handle file search in recognized source groups.

Added method (Type|Symbol)Provider.Result.pendingResult()

Nov 4 '09; API spec. version: 1.14; made by: pflaska; issues: #175998
Added method TypeProvider.Result.pendingResult() and SymbolProvider.Result.pendingResult() to notify provider's caller that the provider should be called again.

Added SPI for Go to Symbol dialog

Jul 1 '08; API spec. version: 1.7; made by: tzezula; issues: #138345
Added SPI to provide content of the for Go to Symbol dialog.