List of the main features:
XDM - XDM (XML Document Model) provides a XAM based full fidelity XML model which implements the org.w3c.dom interfaces. The intention is not to provide an an alternate implementation of the dom interfaces but only to reuse part of the api where it makes sense and more importantly provide a foundation on which to provide a model basis for graphical multi way editors.
This module was developed to support the following requirements:The typical client of XDM would be a tool author supporting an XML language who wants to provide a custom client API. A concrete example of this is the XML Schema model. The XML Schema model starts by subclassing AbstractXDMModel and providing the component updater, which is called in conjunction with sync to mutate the model according to changes in the underlying source.
BaseDocument sd = ...;
Lookup lookup = Lookups.singleton(sd);
// create an editable ModelSource with base document
// in the lookup (this is required)
ModelSource ms = new ModelSource(lookup, true);
// create an XDMModel
XDMModel model = new XDMModel(ms);
// sync the XDM model with the underlying source
// create customer element, same as dom
Element customer = model.getDocument().createElement("customer");
// add to the model as 0th child of employee element, not shown
Question (arch-time):
What are the time estimates of the work?
This module is implementation complete, but will require additional effort for ongoing maintenence in conjunction with the other modules.
Question (arch-quality): How will the quality of your code be tested and how are future regressions going to be prevented? Answer:This module is covered by JUnit tests and findBugs has been incorporated into the development process. This module is the core of most of the domain models and is extensively covered.
Question (arch-where): Where one can find sources for your module? Answer:
The sources for the module are in the Apache Git repositories or in the GitHub repositories.
These modules are required in project.xml:
Question (dep-platform): On which platforms does your module run? Does it run in the same way on each? Answer:100% java, no platform requirement.
Question (dep-jre): Which version of JRE do you need (1.2, 1.3, 1.4, etc.)? Answer:1.5
Question (dep-jrejdk): Do you require the JDK or is the JRE enough? Answer:jre is sufficient
only module jar file
Question (deploy-nbm): Can you deploy an NBM via the Update Center? Answer:yes
Question (deploy-shared): Do you need to be installed in the shared location only, or in the user directory only, or can your module be installed anywhere? Answer:installed anywhere
Question (deploy-packages): Are packages of your module made inaccessible by not declaring them public? Answer:yes
Question (deploy-dependencies): What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one, in addition to or instead of the normal module dependency declaration (e.g. tokens to require)? Answer:yes
Question (compat-standards): Does the module implement or define any standards? Is the implementation exact or does it deviate somehow? Answer:This module implements the DOM interfaces but is not intended to be a replacement for DOM. This module has special semantics surrounding mutation and thus the full DOM interfaces are not supported.
Question (compat-version): Can your module coexist with earlier and future versions of itself? Can you correctly read all old settings? Will future versions be able to read your current settings? Can you read or politely ignore settings stored by a future version? Answer:no settings or user visible features.
Question (compat-deprecation): How the introduction of your project influences functionality provided by previous version of the product? WARNING: Question with id="compat-deprecation" has not been answered!java.io.File
Question (resources-layer): Does your module provide own layer? Does it create any files or folders in it? What it is trying to communicate by that and with which components? Answer:no
Question (resources-read): Does your module read any resources from layers? For what purpose? Answer:no
Question (resources-mask): Does your module mask/hide/override any resources provided by other modules in their layers? Answer:no
Question (resources-preferences): Does your module uses preferences via Preferences API? Does your module use NbPreferences or or regular JDK Preferences ? Does it read, write or both ? Does it share preferences with other modules ? If so, then why ? WARNING: Question with id="resources-preferences" has not been answered!org.openide.util.Lookup
or any similar technology to find any components to communicate with? Which ones?
Question (lookup-register): Do you register anything into lookup for other code to find? Answer:no
Question (lookup-remove): Do you remove entries of other modules from lookup? Answer:no
) property?
On a similar note, is there something interesting that you
pass to java.util.logging.Logger
? Or do you observe
what others log?
Question (exec-component): Is execution of your code influenced by any (string) property of any of your components? Answer:no
Question (exec-ant-tasks): Do you define or register any ant tasks that other can use? Answer:no
Question (exec-classloader): Does your code create its own class loader(s)? Answer:no
Question (exec-reflection): Does your code use Java Reflection to execute other code? Answer:no
Question (exec-privateaccess): Are you aware of any other parts of the system calling some of your methods by reflection? Answer:no
Question (exec-process): Do you execute an external process from your module? How do you ensure that the result is the same on different platforms? Do you parse output? Do you depend on result code? Answer:no
Question (exec-introspection): Does your module use any kind of runtime type information (instanceof
work with java.lang.Class
, etc.)?
The casting is documented. This needs to be reviewed and cleaned up. We need to look at each instanceof, AssignableFrom, and cast to see if we can eliminate this using a) visitor b) JDK 1.5 return value override
Question (exec-threading): What threading models, if any, does your module adhere to? How the project behaves with respect to threading? Answer:This model has been synchronized for thread safety. Thread safety is supported by allowing only a single model mutation (using java synchronized keyword). The immutable nature of the model only requires synchronization when updating the tree thus synchronization of nodes which are not yet in the tree is not thread safe.
Question (security-policy): Does your functionality require modifications to the standard policy file? Answer:no
Question (security-grant): Does your code grant additional rights to some other code? Answer:no
This module is designed to read and write XML files through a swing document.
Question (format-dnd): Which protocols (if any) does your code understand during Drag & Drop? Answer:none
Question (format-clipboard): Which data flavors (if any) does your code read from or insert to the clipboard (by access to clipboard on means calling methods onjava.awt.datatransfer.Transferable
Question (perf-exit): Does your module run any code on exit? Answer:no
Question (perf-scale): Which external criteria influence the performance of your program (size of file in editor, number of files in menu, in source directory, etc.) and how well your code scales? Answer:The size of the XML file both in terms of the number of bytes as well as the number of elements and attributes.
Question (perf-limit): Are there any hard-coded or practical limits in the number or size of elements your code can handle? Answer:no. This module is able to parse large schemas > 1MB.
Question (perf-mem): How much memory does your component consume? Estimate with a relation to the number of windows, etc. Answer:A basic populated model is about 8000 bytes, this depends on how many components and the size of the file.
Question (perf-wakeup): Does any piece of your code wake up periodically and do something even when the system is otherwise idle (no user interaction)? Answer:no
Question (perf-progress): Does your module execute any long-running tasks? Answer:This module is used by clients and thus does not react directly to user events.
Question (perf-huge_dialogs): Does your module contain any dialogs or wizards with a large number of GUI controls such as combo boxes, lists, trees, or text areas? Answer:no
Question (perf-menus): Does your module use dynamically updated context menus, or context-sensitive actions with complicated and slow enablement logic? Answer:no
Question (perf-spi): How the performance of the plugged in code will be enforced? Answer:Client code providing element identity may impact the performance of sync. However, invoking sync is done by the client as thus the impact will be reflected in the client module. There is no direct user interaction in this module.