Class | Description |
ApplyCodeChangesAction |
Used to call "Debug|Apply Code Changes" main menu item.
AttachDebuggerAction |
Used to call "Debug|Attach Debugger..." main menu item.
BreakpointsWindowAction |
Used to call "Window | Debugging | Breakpoints" main menu item or Alt-Shift-5
ContinueAction |
Used to call "Debug|Continue" main menu item or F5 shortcut.
DebugProjectAction |
Used to call "Debug" popup menu item on project's root node.
DeleteAllBreakpointsAction |
Used to call "Delete All" popup menu item in Breakpoints window.
FinishAllAction |
Used to call "Finish All" popup menu item in Sessions view.
FinishDebuggerAction |
Used to call "Debug|Finish Debugger Session" main menu item or Shift+F5
MakeCurrentAction |
Used to call "Make Current" popup menu item in Sessions view.
NewBreakpointAction |
Used to call "Debug|New Breakpoint..." main menu item or CTRL+Shift+F8
PauseAction |
Used to call "Debug|Pause" main menu item.
RunToCursorAction |
Used to call "Debug|Run to Cursor" main menu item or F4 shortcut.
SessionsAction |
Used to call "Window|Debugging|Sessions" main menu item or Alt+Shift+6
SourcesAction |
Used to call "Window|Debugging|Sources" main menu item or Alt+Shift+8
StepIntoAction |
Used to call "Debug|Step Into" main menu item or F7 shortcut.
StepOutAction |
Used to call "Debug|Step Out" main menu item or CTRL+F7 shortcut.
StepOverAction |
Used to call "Debug|Step Over" main menu item or F8 shortcut.
StepOverExpressionAction |
Used to call "Debug|Step Over Expression" main menu item or Shift+F8 shortcut.
TakeGUISnapshotAction |
Used to call "Debug|Take GUI Snapshot" main menu item.
ToggleBreakpointAction |
Used to call "Debug|Toggle Line Breakpoint" main menu item, "Toggle Line
Breakpoint" popup menu item or CTRL+F8 shortcut.