XXX no answer for arch-overall
Use Cases
XXX no answer for arch-usecases
Exported Interfaces
This table lists all of the module exported APIs
defined stability classifications. It is generated
based on answers to questions about the architecture
of the module.
Read them all...
Group of java interfaces
Interface Name | In/Out | Stability | Specified in What Document? |
EditorAPI | Exported | Official |
EditorKitInitialization | Exported | Friend |
In order to speedup, or remove the load of initialization of kit in AWT during startup,
there is a special API that allows to ask the kit to pre-initialize. If the kit
implements Callable interface from JDK, it is called in non-AWT thread.
This works since version 6.18 and can be disabled by property oldInitialization .
Group of property interfaces
Interface Name | In/Out | Stability | Specified in What Document? |
indentEngine | Exported | Stable |
Property hold instance of IndentEngine
and this indentation engine is used instead of system one.
javax.swing.text.Document.modificationListener | Exported | Friend |
In order to fix issue 51872 the
openide needs a way how to be notified about change of a document outside of its Document lock.
DocumentListener s are always notified under the lock, so a special contract has
been established (since version 5.3) by registering an instance of VetoableListener
by calling putProperty ("modificationListener", listener) . The
NetBeans aware documents are adviced to honor this property and call the listener
outside of the document lock when a modification is made. The actual contract
of the call can be seen in
in methods
insertString and remove .
beforeSaveRunnable | Exported | Friend |
Document property that allows to execute a runnable before save of a document is performed.
For example an extra whitespace accumulated during typing can be removed by exploiting this property.
expectedTime | Exported | Friend |
understands not only its Env.TIME property, but also special
"expectedTime". When this one arrives, it means refresh its internal
last saved time, but without any refresh. This functionality is used from
DataEditorSupport when the DataObject is moved to new location
and we need to adjust the time to the new file object.
usedByCloneableEditor | Exported | Friend |
Component client property which is set to Boolean.TRUE if an editor pane is actively used by a cloneable editor.
Once the component gets closed the CloneableEditor sets the property to Boolean.FALSE.
oldInitialization | Exported | Under Development |
As the speedup of startup done in version 6.18 is not fully compatible,
there is a way to get back the original behaviour: just use
this.putClientProperty("oldInitialization", Boolean.TRUE)
and the whole initialization will be done in AWT thread. This is generally
slower, but compatible.
org.openide.text.CloneableEditor.oldInitialization | Exported | Private |
In order to measure startup improvements between AWT and non-AWT startup,
we have a property dedicated to testing that can switch all editors to be
opened in AWT. Just start NetBeans with
-J-Dorg.openide.text.CloneableEditor.oldInitialization=true .
This property may be discontiued anytime.
Group of layer interfaces
Interface Name | In/Out | Stability | Specified in What Document? |
Editors-TabActions | Exported | Under Development |
Actions for the editor tab (window) context menu can be injected into Editors/TabActions .
Implementation Details
Where are the sources for the module?
The sources for the module are in the
NetBeans Mercurial repositories.
What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one, in addition to or instead of a plain module dependency?
XXX no answer for deploy-dependencies
Read more about the implementation in the answers to
architecture questions.