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org.netbeans.api.htmlui 1.28
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HTMLComponent - Annotation Type in org.netbeans.api.htmlui
Generates factory method in class specified by HTMLComponent.className() that will return a component of requested HTMLComponent.type() which can later be embedded into Swing or JavaFX UI elements.
HTMLDialog - Annotation Type in org.netbeans.api.htmlui
Generates method that opens an HTML based modal dialog.
HTMLDialog.Builder - Class in org.netbeans.api.htmlui
Rather than using this class directly, consider HTMLDialog.
HTMLDialog.OnSubmit - Interface in org.netbeans.api.htmlui
Callback to be notified when user closes a dialog.
HTMLViewerSpi<HtmlView,HtmlButton> - Interface in org.netbeans.spi.htmlui
Service provider interface for handing display of HTML based user interface.
HTMLViewerSpi.Context - Class in org.netbeans.spi.htmlui
Context for interacting with the system infrastructure.
A C G H I L N O R S 
Skip navigation links
org.netbeans.api.htmlui 1.28