See: Description
Interface | Description |
Cancellable |
Service provider interface (SPI) for adding cancel support to various jobs.
Enumerations.Processor<T,R> |
Processor interface that can filter out objects from the enumeration,
change them or add aditional objects to the end of the current enumeration.
Mutex.Action<T> |
Action to be executed in a mutex without throwing any checked exceptions.
Mutex.ExceptionAction<T> |
Action to be executed in a mutex, possibly throwing checked exceptions.
NbBundle.ClassLoaderFinder | Deprecated
NbPreferences.Provider |
Implementation of
NbPreferences methods. |
TaskListener |
Listener which can be notifies when a task finishes.
Class | Description |
BaseUtilities |
General purpose utility methods.
ChangeSupport |
A simple equivalent of
PropertyChangeSupport for
ChangeListener s. |
CharSequences |
Efficiently store
strings in memory. |
EditableProperties |
Similar to
Properties but designed to retain additional
information needed for safe hand-editing. |
Enumerations |
Factory methods for various types of
Enumeration . |
Exceptions |
Useful utility and methods to work with exceptions as
described in detail in the NetBeans logging guide.
MapFormat |
A text format similar to
but using string rather than numeric keys. |
Mutex |
Read-many/write-one lock.
Mutex.Privileged |
Provides access to Mutex's internal methods.
NbBundle |
Convenience class permitting easy loading of localized resources of various sorts.
NbCollections |
Utilities for working with generics.
NbPreferences |
Provides an implementation of the Preferences API which may be backed by
a NetBeans-specific implementation.
Pair<First,Second> |
A type safe pair of two object.
Parameters |
Utilities for checking the values of method parameters.
RequestProcessor |
Request processor is
Executor (since version 7.16) capable to
perform asynchronous requests in a dedicated thread pool. |
Task |
A task that may be executed in a separate thread and permits examination of its status.
Union2<First,Second> |
A union type which can contain one of two kinds of objects.
WeakListeners |
A generic weak listener factory.
WeakSet<E> |
This class provides storage functionality with Weak-referenced entries and
new method putIfAbsent.
Exception | Description |
MutexException |
Encapsulates other exceptions thrown from a mutex method.
NotImplementedException |
Should be thrown when a feature is not implemented.
TopologicalSortException |
Exception that signals that a topological sort failed due to
unsortable nature of the graph and that provides support for
reporting and recovering from that state.
Annotation Type | Description |
NbBundle.Messages |
Creates a helper class with static definitions of bundle keys.
URLStreamHandlerRegistration |
Replacement for
URLStreamHandlerFactory within the NetBeans platform. |