See: Description
Package | Description |
org.netbeans.spi.knockout |
model class to describe JSON-like Knockout bindings and
register a provider used by the editor infrastructure
to query for the model . |
Java model class to describe JSON-like Knockout bindings and register a provider used by the editor infrastructure to query for the model.
Added method Bindings.function(String name) which generates an empty function property.
Initial version of Knockout Integration API published.
This is the code to register a sample provider:
@ServiceProvider(service = BindingsProvider.class)
public class SampleBindingsProvider implements org.netbeans.spi.knockout.BindingsProvider {
public void findBindings(FileObject htmlFile) {
Bindings tweet = Bindings.create("Tweet").
stringProperty("from_user", false).
intProperty("from_user_id", false);
Bindings tweeters = Bindings.create("Tweeters").
stringProperty("name", false).
stringProperty("userNames", true);
Bindings twitterClient = Bindings.create("TwitterClient");
stringProperty("activeTweetersName", false).
stringProperty("activeTweeters", true).
stringProperty("userNameToAdd", false).
booleanProperty("loading", false).
modelProperty("currentTweets", tweet, true).
modelProperty("savedLists", tweeters, true);
return Response.create(twitterClient);
This sample has been used when testing the module.
The sources for the module are in the Apache Git repositories or in the GitHub repositories.
XXX no answer for deploy-dependencies
Read more about the implementation in the answers to architecture questions.