Interface | Description |
AsynchronousModelFilter |
Change threading of implemented models.
CheckNodeModel |
The extension of
NodeModel that can display check-boxes next to the
node display name. |
CheckNodeModelFilter |
A model filter for
CheckNodeModel . |
DnDNodeModel |
Extension of
NodeModel with support for Drag and Drop of nodes. |
DnDNodeModelFilter |
Extension of
NodeModelFilter with support for Drag and Drop of nodes. |
ExtendedNodeModel |
Provides extension to
NodeModel with cut/copy/paste and rename
functionality, and also allowing to set icons with extension. |
ExtendedNodeModelFilter |
Provides extension to
NodeModelFilter ,
filters content of some existing ExtendedNodeModel . |
Model |
Marker interface for all models.
ModelListener |
Notifies about changes in view model.
Models.ActionPerformer |
Support interface for
Models.createAction(String,Models.ActionPerformer,int) method. |
NodeActionsProvider |
Provides actions and default action for some type of objects.
NodeActionsProviderFilter |
Filters actions provided by some original
NodeActionsProvider . |
NodeModel |
Provides display name, icon and tool tip value for some type of objects.
NodeModelFilter |
Filters content of some existing
NodeModel . |
ReorderableTreeModel |
Data model for tree that supports reordering
of child nodes.
ReorderableTreeModelFilter |
Filters an original tree data model that supports reordering
of child nodes.
TableHTMLModel |
Use this to separate value and the HTML value.
TableHTMLModelFilter |
Use this to separate value and the HTML value.
TableModel |
Adds support for columns to basic
TreeModel . |
TableModelFilter |
Allows to filter content of some existing
TableModel . |
TablePropertyEditorsModel |
Use this to provide different property editors for different table cells.
TablePropertyEditorsModelFilter |
Use this to provide different property editors for different table cells.
TableRendererModel |
Model that provides custom cell renderer and cell editor for table cells.
TableRendererModelFilter |
Model filter that can override custom cell renderer and cell editor for table cells.
TreeExpansionModel |
This model controlls expansion, collapsion of nodes in tree view, and
defindes default expand state for all node in it.
TreeExpansionModelFilter |
This model filter controlls expansion, collapsion of nodes in tree view, and
defindes default expand state for all node in it.
TreeModel |
Defines data model for tree.
TreeModelFilter |
Filters content of some original tree of nodes (represented by
TreeModel ). |
Class | Description |
CachedChildrenTreeModel |
A TreeModel, which caches children objects and allow seamless update of children objects.
ColumnModel |
Defines model for one table view column.
ModelEvent |
Encapsulates information describing changes to a model, and
used to notify model listeners of the change.
ModelEvent.NodeChanged |
Used to notify that one node has been changed (icon, displayName and
ModelEvent.SelectionChanged |
Event to change a selection in the tree table view.
ModelEvent.TableValueChanged |
Used to notify that one cell in table has been changed.
ModelEvent.TreeChanged |
Used to notify that whole content of tree has been changed.
Models |
Contains various utility methods for various models.
Models.CompoundModel |
This model encapsulates all currently supported models.
Models.TreeFeatures |
Tree expansion control.
Enum | Description |
AsynchronousModelFilter.CALL |
This enumeration identifies method(s) of view models for which
threading information is provided by
AsynchronousModelFilter.asynchronous(java.util.concurrent.Executor, org.netbeans.spi.viewmodel.AsynchronousModelFilter.CALL, java.lang.Object) method. |
Exception | Description |
UnknownTypeException |
Used by various data models if data model is asked to resolve node
of unknown type.
public class TreeModelImpl implements TreeModel {And create a TreeView for this model:
public Object getRoot () {
return ROOT;
public Object[] getChildren (Object parent, int from, int to) {
if (parent == ROOT)
return File.listRoots ();
return ((File) parent).listFiles ();
public boolean isLeaf (Object node) {
if (node == ROOT)
return false;
return ((File) node).isFile ();
JComponent treeView = Models.createView (
Models.createCompoundModel (
Arrays.asList (new Model[] {
new TreeModelImpl (), // TreeModel
new ArrayList () // list of ColumnModel s
public class NodeModelImpl implements NodeModel {
public String getDisplayName (Object node) {
if (node == ROOT) return "Name";
String name = ((File) node).getName ();
if (name.length () < 1) return ((File) node).getAbsolutePath ();
return name;
public String getIconBase (Object node) {
if (node == ROOT) return "folder";
if (((File) node).isDirectory ()) return "folder";
return "file";
public String getShortDescription (Object node) {
if (node == ROOT) return "Name";
return ((File) node).getAbsolutePath ();
public class NodeActionsProviderImpl implements NodeActionsProvider {
public Action[] getActions (final Object node) {
return new Action [] {
new AbstractAction ("Open") {
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
performDefaultAction (node);
new AbstractAction ("Delete") {
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
((File) node).delete ();
public void performDefaultAction (Object node) {
try {
JFrame f = new JFrame ("View");
f.getContentPane ().add (new JEditorPane (((File) node).toURL ()));
f.pack (); ();
} catch (Exception e) {
public class TableModelImpl implements TableModel {And initialization of columns looks like:
public Object getValueAt (Object node, String columnID) {
try {
if (node == ROOT) return null;
if (columnID.equals ("sizeID")) {
if (((File) node).isDirectory ()) return "<dir>";
return "" + new FileInputStream ((File) node).getChannel ().size ();
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
return "";
public boolean isReadOnly (Object node, String columnID) {
return true;
public void setValueAt (Object node, String columnID, Object value) {
ArrayList columns = new ArrayList ();
columns.add (new ColumnModel () {
public String getID () { return "sizeID"; }
public String getDisplayName () { return "size"; }
public Class getType () { return String.class; }
JComponent treeTableView = Models.createView (
Models.createCompoundModel (
Arrays.asList (new Model[] {
new TreeModelImpl (), // TreeModel
new NodeModelImpl (), // NodeModel
new TableModelImpl (), // TableModel
new NodeActionsProviderImpl (), // NodeActionsProvider
columns // list of ColumnModel s
Built on June 4 2024. | Copyright © 2017-2024 Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.